Last month, I have received about 100K views on my pinterst account ( It is my on affialite project) . The niche was baby products. So, I feel interested to share how to grow followers on pinterest easily.
Pinterst is one of the most popular social media platform. Both followers and views are important for your pinterest account.
Figure 1 – How to Get Followers on Pinterest
General Statistics of Pinterest
According to the Hootsuite,
- Pinterest is now ranked 14th largest social media network worldwide. The active users are increasing day by day.
- The monthly active users of pinterest is 450 million ( Business of Apps)
- More than 60% of the users of pinterest is women. And, The about 30% of the audience’s age range is 25-34 years old.
The Importance Of Using Pinterest For Personal And Business Goals
You already have understood the scope of pinterest to reach business and personal goal. You can save ideas, goals, and interests in the visual discovery and bookmarking platform.
Let’s see how you can reach your personal and business goals by using pinterest.
Personal Goals
Getting Inspiration and Ideas: We have to execute lots of personal projects in our life. But to execute those plans, we may need to get ideas and inspiration. We want the latest things before planning something.
You can plan your home decor with the latest and adorable furniture, get the latest fashion ideas and food ideas from Pinterest.
There is a popular saying that to make ideas, you need to have lots of ideas. So, you can collect all the ideas under on board on pinterst.
Business Goals
Social media is always a powerful tool to reach business goal. Both small and large organizations can reach their business goal through social media. Let’s know in details.
Increasing Brand Awareness: Increasing brand awareness is the first and foremost step in marketing funnel. You can reach your target customers and make awareness within them. Pinterest allows business access to the users to increase brand awareness easily to potential customers.

You can add social media experts and other employees in this business account for better result. You can also run ads to quickly reach your target audience.
Traffic Generation: The traffic is the core of any business. The more traffic you can generate, the more leads you can collect. And ultimately, you can increase the sales of your business. Using social media platform like pinterest help to increase traffic as well as sales.
Improve SEO: Search Engine Optimization is a great way to organically increate your traffic as well as sales. Engagement in social media help business increase trust and authority of website. Thus, you can easily rank your targeted keywords.
Product and service Research: Research is the core part of any business. Even some top ranked social media are not suitable for researching products and services. You will get lots of ideas, interested, customers preferences, and trends under one board.
Step By Step Guides To Get A Good Number Of Followers On Pinterest

Million subscribers on Youtube or million followers on instagrams or pinterest don’t grow overnight. You need to work consistently to grow and sustain followers. You need to follow the rules and regulations of each platform to stay safe in a platform. Let’s see the best way to get a good number of followers on pInterest.,
Step 01: Creating Pinterest Account:
Nothing comes without starting. First you need to create an pinterest account. You can create both general and business account on pinterest. There has lots of differences between general and business account of interest.

You will get lots of advantages from Pinterest business account. Access to Analytics, promoted pins, rich pins, branded profile, and team member’s collaboration are some advantages that will help you to reach your business goal easily.
Step 02: Optimizing Account:
You need to optimize your account after creating. You need to provide basic information like website link, short bio, addinig profile pintures. Here are some tips to optimize your pinterest account:
Adding Compelling Bio: Write compelling bio in a way so that people can understand who you are, what they can expect from this profile. Add relevant keywords and hashtags to inform pinterst about yourself so that your profile reach to relevent audience.
Profile Picture: Add high-quality profile pictures that represents your brand as well as people can easily recognize your brand. Brand color is important to people. You can easily recognize youtube for its red brand color.
Verifying website: Having verifying website increase trust to your audience and they can know more about you and your business. You can easily verify your website link to your pinterest account. Let’s see how you can easily verify/claim your website from pinterest.
Step 03: Creating Pinterest Boards Related to Your Niche or Business
After setting up your account, you need to create some boards. You can create board name from business categories or you can get idea from your competitors. We will keep our all pins organized under these boards.
Step 04: Creating Pins
Consistency is the key to success in any work. People who follow you also expect regular pins. Consistent pins help your account to reach more people. And you will get followers on pinterest.
Many people ask me: How many pins should I add on Pinterest?

Expert marketers have different opinions to this question. Some suggest 1 pin per day whereas others suggest 10-20 pins per day.
Actually, it depends on your business position and your goal on social media. You can create 200,000 pins for your personal account. To check the limits for pins, boards, and follows, check this article.
As creating pins is the core part of increasing more followers on Pinterest you should focus on it more carefully. Let’s know some tips to create pins effectively.
- Adding High quality Images: You need to create pin images with high-quality and relevant. Images should be well-lit, clear, and focused. You should also optimize your images in the right size. Pinterest prefers 1000 x 1500 pixels images. You should add brand logo and necessary text on images to give more value to the images. If you can not expert in creating high-quality images, you can use Canva or other related image-modifying tools.
- Adding relevant keywords: Adding relevant keywords on the pin’s title, description, and hashtags will help people find your pins easily. Keywords should be relevant to your business and niche. You can find relevant keywords from keyword research tools or you can use ChatGPT to find relevant keywords.
- Using Call to Action: Using call to action words help people to take action that you want to meet by using social media.
Step 05: Joining Boards on Pinterest :
Like facebook or Linkedin Group, Pinterest has Pinterest Boards. You can easily join them and share your pins on the boards.
First of all, you need to find relevant boards based on your niche or business. Then you can request for approval to share your pins.
Step 06: Integrate your Pinterest Account on your Website
Pinterest will help your website to increase visitors and sales. Again, website help you to increase followers on pinterest. It is a great way to increase your instagram or other social media followers.
A website get lots of visitors from different sources such SEO, email marketing, paid campaign, or direct source. If you add your pinterst account to your website, the traffic of your websites may visit to your pinterest account and can follow your pinterst account.
Your website developers can easily integrate Pinterest account into your website.

Step 07: Engaging with Other Pins
People love to know feedback from others. So, comments on other pins and reply on others’ comments on your pins.
Step 08: Regularly Monitor Analytics
Pinterst Analytics is a great tool to boost your account and increase followers on pinterst. You can easily know which types of pins are getting more impression, views, and clicks.
This will help you to get idea which are popular on your niche and you can focus more on this type of content. Again, low performed pins also help your to know the problems. You can check the quality of pins and try to improve that.
Final Words
Getting more followers on Pinterest is not overnight task. You need to work consistently with quality. If you are bloggers or business owners, you may not have time to maintain social media. In this case, you can hire pinterst expert to reach your business goal. They have great tricks to get more followers on pinterst.