Agent Writing

Buying a Youtube Channel – The Complete Guide to Grabbing the Best Channel

With the flexibility of rules by youtube, it’s now acceptable to buy a youtube channel. You can purchase the channel in your niche and the content you love. You can find many platforms to purchase and many filters to apply.

If you want to buy a youtube channel, this is the complete guide on buying a youtube channel. Check out this to grab the best channel within your budget and requirements. This guide includes ten simple steps to buy. What to wait for? Let’s get started.

Fig 1 – Buying a youtube channel

Benefits of Buying a Youtube Channel

Youtube is similar to freelance writing jobs as they both allow you flexibility to work and convenience. There are many benefits of buying a youtube channel. Here are the top five listed below. 

Benefits of buying a youtube channel

1. Subscribers list

The initial subscriber list comes from a lot of struggle or work. Even for the best channels, the initial battle is real. The pace between 1 to 10k subscribers and afterward is entirely different.

So if you buy a youtube channel, you can avoid that struggle and get established subscribers and gain and add more easily.

2. Watch hours

Like the subscribers, the watch hours of 4000 are mandatory for monetization. It goes very slowly in the initial days. But once you reach 1000 subscribers and finish 4000 watch hours, it runs fast compared to the previous journey.

Because people already recognized you and remembered you. Also, you are adding up other people too. In the beginning, you will not have any. Buying a monetized youtube channel gives you watch hours too.

3. No Monetization struggles

Though if you complete 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours, you can’t be sure your channel will be monetized. There are many rules and regulations that you need to follow. Also, youtube will check your content before giving you monetization.

So monetization is a bit hard. If you buy a youtube channel monetized at a good deal, you can avoid all the struggles included.

4. Saving time

Even if you work continuously after starting your youtube channel, you can’t be sure when your youtube channel will be wholly successful and monetized. So if you buy a youtube channel, you can save a lot of time. 

You don’t need to spend time designing logos, intro, themes, etc., because all are pre-established.

5. Avoid beginner struggle

When you launch a youtube channel, you need to maintain social media accounts to collect subscribers and give updates. You need to plan your content so well.

You need to design your logo, design thumbnails and write descriptions, etc. Of course, you need to do all these later too, but the initial days should be more careful and focused on reaching a large audience and impressing them.

If you buy a youtube channel, you can straightly continue their work and use all the pre-established content with the community.

Buying a Youtube Channel Steps

Youtube is one of the best side hustles from home. If you can’t start on your own, you can buy a youtube channel. Here is the step-by-step information you can follow in buying a youtube channel. Follow them one by one for the best results.

Note Down Your Budget.

The first thing you need to do is to determine your budget. Writing a budget will help you in fixing the range using filters. It can reduce your search work.

So write down the maximum budget you can go for and the minimum budget you would try for. Set up a fixed amount of range for buying a youtube channel.

Find Your Platforms

Several platforms are available online. You need to note down all the platforms. Along with the online platforms to buy and sell a site. You can also follow and notice Linkedin or Facebook platforms.

Along with them, you can also directly approach any channel with the email listed in the Youtube channel about section.

It’s not possible in many cases that they won’t agree quickly, but there is nothing wrong in trying if you find a perfect suitable site for yours.

Look For Your Niche

Though you grab a fantastic deal on a niche you don’t know anything about or don’t want to learn anything about; you should avoid buying such youtube channels. As you buy a youtube channel, you need to work on it later.

You need to get back your investment and turn everything into profits.  So choose the niche that you like and love to work on.

Selecting a niche buying a youtube channel

  • Pick the niche in which you are comfortable
  • The niche which you have experience before
  • The niche which you are good at 
  • The niche that you like and love to work on
  • The niche has a promising future and an engaging audience.

You can find many niches in the platforms like travel, health, finance, blogging, lifestyle, etc, and many more.

Speaking about travel, if you are a traveler and love to write, here is a guide on travel blogging that helps in starting and making money from it. 

Traffic Analysis 

This is the most crucial aspect. You can verify the analysis from Youtube studio or tools available on google. In traffic analysis, don’t look at the number of audiences watching the content; always look at where the audience is coming from.

Youtube studio and other platforms will show you exactly how much percentage is from internal sources and how much is from external sources. So ensure that most of the traffic comes from your internal sources.

There can be some percentage of external links. But it can’t be beyond the threshold. Also, don’t forget to check the links of external sources because they can be from scams and sites on google that offers subscribers and likes. 

Suggested videos, browse features, and channel pages should be high than the external ones. Also, the returning views should be in more numbers. 

Monetization Check

It is always recommended to go for the monetized channel. You are already ready to invest a penny in buying a youtube channel. So make sure you use that penny in the right choice and can give back your penny.

Even if it costs a bit more than the unmonetized channel, go for the monetized channel only. It can be from something other than Youtube ads and monetization. You can also choose a channel if revenue is generated from a good affiliate marketing program.

Whether it’s buying a blog or buying a youtube channel, it should generate money immediately after your purchase. With your word and effort, it should give your profits in the coming weeks along with your investment.

So try for the monetized channel with decent revenue generation.

Content check 

In the content check, first look at the video quality and the information they provide. 

  • The video quality should be good enough. 
  • The information and video should be created initially without copying from another. 
  • Watch and listen to the maximum number of videos.
  • Check whether you can continue with the video or not.
  • Check whether people can accept you on that channel.
  • Check whether you can match the voice and content.
Content check for buying a youtube channel

Read the comments and the dislikes included in the videos. Do not go for buying a youtube channel with more dislikes and negativities.

Unlike buying a blog, buying a youtube channel is a bit challenging because you don’t need to show your face or voice in the blog. But in the youtube channel, when you appear suddenly or if there is a change in voice, people can’t like you instantly; it takes time.

It’s better to go for the content and voice matched to you rather than going differently.

While you are performing content analysis, observe the thumbnails too. The keywords used in the thumbnail and description should match the content; many YouTubers keep a captivating thumbnail but provide information differently.

So make a check on it too.

Talking about content, if you know writing and looking forward to earning money blogging, here is a wonderful guide for you on How to make money from blogging

Note: Avoid purchasing face-shown videos because it’s hard for people to instantly trust and watch a new face.

SEO Check

SEO is here too. The thumbnail creation, description writing, adding tags, etc., come under the SEO part. When they are excellent and good enough, the impressions will be strong and reach a larger audience.

Make sure the channel videos have good descriptions and good thumbnails. People who know what is copywriting and web copywriting can definitely write thumbnails and descriptions better.

 There is an important aspect here called click-through rate. 

When the channel’s SEO is good, it will make more impressions. It will reach a large number of people. When people watch it, the impression click-through rate increases. Make sure the channel has a reasonable impression rate. 

Overall Analysis

Go for the overall analysis. Make a background check of the channel owner, the owner’s background, the purpose behind making the videos, etc.

Check if there are any penalties imposed. Check for the community guidelines strikes if there are any. Also, check for copyright strike videos because that affects you and copy claim videos. 

Make sure the channel clears everything before purchasing the channel; otherwise, they will levy on you.

Calculate the actual value of the channel according to the monetization and future growth of the channel. Try finding at least the approximation value on the actual value and compare it with the platform price.

Only purchase if the price shown is reasonable compared to the calculated price. Try negotiating if the price listed is more than the actual price.

Plan for a Discussion

Arrange for a discussion before purchase. Do not go for the purchase directly on the platform. Arrange for a discussion and start negotiating. Make sure you go with the approximate price you calculated and negotiate well.

Ask for all the documents and analysis of the channel before purchasing. Check everything again and then go for a purchase. Talk about the mode of payment. Do not go for buying a youtube channel before transfer.

You also need to ask why they are selling their reason and try to dig more into that. Sometimes people will sell the channel because it’s no more much profitable. So keep an eye on this.

Ask any queries related to the channel. You can also ask how they planned content in the future. You can also note down ideas by asking them.


Ask them to transfer the email address and social media accounts. Passwords and channel rights etc. Make sure you take everything related to the channel. Otherwise, there are chances that they can cheat you.

So don’t leave anything. Even if you leave a minute thing like recovery emails, they can gain back channel quickly, and you need to deal with so many complexities. 

Make sure you connect with them even after the purchase.

These are the ten simple steps you need to follow when purchasing a youtube channel. 

Top 5 Platforms for  Buying a Youtube Channel 

It used to be a restriction and many rules linked to buying a youtube channel. It has become a legal action recently. So you can’t find numerous platforms. But you can find numerous options for youtube channels though there are only a few platforms. 

Here is a list of the best platforms to buy a youtube channel.


Fameswap for buying a youtube channel

You can find many filters here, like the follower’s range, audience type, niche the channel talks about, monthly revenue, etc. You can find the day it’s listed. Once you open the channel, you can find many more similar sites related to it and similar to that channel profile.

The main features are

  • Secured listing
  • Encrypted payment
  • Messaging options
  • Post-purchase support
  • Time for analysis and check


Fig 6 – Trustiu for buying a youtube channel

This platform gives you many youtube channels with detailed descriptions, reasons for sale, and opportunities in the future. 

It also comes with a valuation tool and market research options. You can also find the subscriber’s info, copy strikes, and last month’s analytics about the channel. You can find the niche you are looking for.

Accs –

Fig 7 – for buying a youtube channel

Accs is a place to find many youtube channels for sale. You can apply filters for subscribers, price, and income too. You can find verified listings, verified identities, and monetization-enabled channels. 

You can find ways of income, expenses to run the channel, ways of promotions, and a clear, detailed explanation about the channel. You can also find the analytics of the channel in the attached images.

Audience Gain

Audience Gain from buying a youtube channel

Audience gain is one of the places where quality channels are available for sale. This platform works on developing channels, helping channels to monetize, etc. 

There is a prominent feature available in audience gain that’s guaranteed for demonetization issues after buying. This means they will work for the channel and work on helping in monetization if any issues occur after buying.

They promote only monetized channels and a free google Adsense account for a year. You can go for their premium services after purchasing a channel if you want to develop your channel quickly.


Easyviral for buying a youtube channel

Easyviral is a good platform to buy monetized youtube channels. You can find two options available. One is a standard monetized youtube channel, and the second is a high-quality, organized, monetized channel.

The site has many positive reviews about its services. It has good customer care support. 

The main features include no copyright or copy claim videos channel, a google AdSense account for free, a free banner and logo, fast delivery, and 100% legit with security and reliability.

These are the top 5 best platforms to look for buying a youtube channel. 


Can I buy monetized youtube channel?

Yes, you can buy a monetized and profit-generating youtube channel. You can buy it, and you can start making money from it.

Also, it’s always suggested to go for the monetized channel only while buying a youtube channel to avoid the beginner struggle. 

How much does it cost to buy a youtube channel?

The total cost to buy will be from the channel charge plus the platform’s service charges.

If you close in the platform itself and look to purchase through options in the platform, it will deduct some charges. Also, there will be service charges too. To avoid them, you can deal outside, but you can’t have any security or support later.

The cost of the youtube channel totally depends on the content quality, subscribers count and monetization, watch hours, etc.


This is the complete guide to buying a youtube channel. We included the benefits of buying a youtube channel, the steps of buying, and where to buy with our tips and suggestions. Hope you received a good idea about everything. 

Perform the same analysis and check for every channel. You will grab the best one at your price. Happy purchase, and great work further..!!

Al Jovayer Khandakar

Hey, I am Al Jovayer Khandakar. I am passionate about writing and my profession is also writing. I am a content writer and have gained a "Top Rated Plus " badge from Upwork. I have also a writing agency named "Agent Writing".

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