Agent Writing

Blog Valuation: How Much Can You Sell Your Blog For?

When I heard about blog valuation for the first time, I was so enthusiastic to know how much can I sell my blog for. Probably you might have also felt the same. 

So if you want to know how much can you sell your blog for, this is the right article for you.  Here we are going to talk about blog valuation, also what are the metrics for blog valuation and most importantly how you can increase your blog valuation.

In the end, you can predict how much can you sell your blog for. Let’s get started by first understanding the benefits and can explore everything about how much you can sell your blog for.

Main Benefit You Must Know on Selling Your Blog 

For a small assignment or to raise more interest, if you do have a monetized blog, try placing it on some sites like Flippa or EmpireFlippers, etc, at any random price and notice your replies.

Even if you can’t do such, you can just login into the site and find any similar sites like yours in a similar niche. If you can find any you would be surprised by the price that they are selling their blog.

Because blogging has lately evolved into a completely vast business, but when this blogging buying and selling started taking place it has grown up into much more business.

Here is a small snap from Flippa on a listed blog, have a look at it.

Listing price of a blog in Flippa

Fig 2 – Listing price of a blog in Flippa

You can notice that the blog is on audio niche and it’s just 1 year old. Still, if you notice how much it’s listed as $120000. It’s surprising, right? Yes, it’s. Selling a well-established blog gives you multiple times what you are earning now.

So, If you are thinking of selling it, you can get multiple times your investment. Selling a blog multiplies your business and gives you more chances to invest in many more.

In many cases after it became legalized, many people plan to work on a blog, take it to a certain stage and sell it for high profits. 

Also there are instances where people are buying a blog and then selling it after a while for more profits.

So selling a blog might give you a negative vibe if you hear it for the first time. But it’s a good profitable thing to do if you can find a good investor and can work like the same.

How Much Can You Sell Your Blog For

It’s totally almost about how much revenue your blog is generating currently. The majority part depends on the revenue and the minor part depends on the factors that are helping in revenue generation.

Are you good at calculations? I used to be good at maths up to tenth-grade level, but later when many alphabets were involved together along with x,y, and z I started getting B grades lol.

Even if you are in the same category, don’t worry I will still help you out with the calculation. Here are some simple steps I am writing for them.

Step-1: Note down your overall annual recent income from your blog by using analytics

Step-2: Now divide the whole value with 12

Step-3: The value you obtained is the average annual income  or called as net worth of your blog. Note it down carefully.

Step-4: Now this is the time where you have to multiply your blog average annual income by a numeric value between 20 to 50.

For example, if you are making $1,000 per year, dividing by 12 is $83.33. So around $84 is your average annual income.

Now you have to multiply it by a value between $20 to $50. Wondering how to fix it?

So, some metrics are also important to look at in blog valuation and to understand how much you can sell your blog for. Depending on them you need to add points for each and finally should get a value.

No need to worry, here are some points I am attaching. If you have them you can add points and you can establish a value between 20 to 50. 

If you are still wondering about it, if you have the majority of all, you can stand yourself at 45 or 40. If you have less, you can stand at 25 to 30. Increase it or decrease it depending on the parameters you have.

Blog Valuation example 

Fig 3 – Blog Valuation example 

Here you can notice that the annual income is $1860 per month, and the asking price is $49,000. So the value is multiplied by around 26 by considering every factor.

If you are thinking about running a new blog or non-monetized yet, and thinking about how much can you sell your blog for, the simple answer is to wait till it gets monetized and generates some revenue.

Everyone will be almost interested in monetized channels only. It’s always not recommendable to sell in the initial days or non-monetised channel as it won’t fetch you back even the investment you keep on that.

So if you have any issues, work on them and try to start making revenue from it first. Also know How to sell your blog first  completely before taking any decision further.

Top 10 Factors for Blog Valuation You Must Consider

Here we are listing top 10 factors for blog valuation that actually plays a role along with revenue. Keep checking one by one and cross check everything with your blog.

  1. Current Revenue

The thing that is very clear about blogs is that “ Blogging is business ”. So for a while come out of it as blogging and let’s assume it is like a regular business. It’s been so long that I will tell you some stories and take you on a journey. So I will take you now.

Let’s assume you are planning to acquire a business from any of your friends. You have two options. You have a friend who has a small-scale business offering at a lower rate running at a good profit. 

Also, you have another friend who has a large-scale business that arranges everything well but not running at profit. If you have to choose one among them by purchasing from them, what exactly will you choose?

For me, it’s definitely the first one though it is just a small-scale industry. Maybe probably for you too. Because we all are so interested in looking for things that are already successful and good enough where we can take up their work and can continue their profits.

  1. Traffic Metrics 

For every site, there is nothing more important and necessary than traffic metrics. Every healthy site should have a good number of organic traffic and a good click rate. 

Along with making good impressions and clicks, you need to maintain a good average CTR. You have to know completely well what is a good click-through rate ( CTR) for your industry.

Fig 3- Traffic analysis of a blog for blog valuation

When there is such a good number of impressions, then you can understand that the site is performing well and you will get unique visitors soon. 

The immediate thing people notice with the websites after loving the price is the consistent or stable traffic. You also don’t need to maintain a large million number of impressions, you need to focus more on clickthrough rate.

  1. Quality Writing

I hear this word multiple times in every segment, probably you might have heard it too. In my own articles itself, I propagate the word “quality” several times, you can notice it. So what exactly is quality writing when it comes to blogs?

Quality writing includes two different things. One is the creative content expression of yours and the second is SEO. Both are equally important in writing. 

For every single keyword, you can find thousands of sites available. You are going to compete with many sites on the same matter. So it all actually takes you to a good place when you can express the same content in the best way and different from them.

And now your content should reach not only your friends and relatives, it should reach everyone, and especially search engines should like it first. To make that possible, you should learn How to write SEO articles. It matters and makes a lot.

So make sure that your blog should have quality writing to make it valuable for more

  1. Blog Field 

This is nothing but the niche you are working on. Of course, it all depends on your work and site condition. But in general, certain fields are rising up fast and getting popular every day.

Even in the blog selection also right from the early beginning we always suggest the writers select the right niche that works better and has a larger scope in the future. 

Niche has a special importance as people are getting so particular and diverted with certain interests. 

So, your niche talks and grabs attention a lot if it’s from popular types of blogs like lifestyle, blogging, marketing, etc.

  1. Blog Growth

Blog growth is an extremely important factor because the person who is willing to take your site will first try to understand a point that in how many months he can get back the investment that he is keeping on your blog.

If your blog growth is not looking promising, then they won’t be interested in dealing further. So make sure your blog has consistent growth and work for it. 

Make sure you can give the promise and confidence to the buyer that they can run through profits later. Otherwise even if you keep your price higher, buyers won’t be interested in taking up your blog. 

5 Best Ways to Increase Your Blog Valuation

If you are planning to sell your blog immediately or later, we always advise you to modify your blog to the best extent before selling it. Make it the best version of it to make much more profits from it. You should plan at least 6 month before you are going to sell your blog. In this time, you need to take some steps to increase your blog valuation. It is like home renovation and selling. 

If you are thinking about how you can do it, and how you can evaluate your blog more, here is the list you can work on to reach more.

  1. Redesign

We can assume and say your existing design is good enough. But when you are planning to sell your blog, it’s always suggested to re-think and modify your design before going for selling.

Like if you need you can add more fields and add different categories where you can add all related articles into it. It helps in easy navigation and looks much better. If you have any small issues with your blog, you can fix them. 

You can add more aesthetics to your blog to make it more valued. When the site looks good enough, it gives a positive feel and attracts visitors. If you feel any color mismatch or can make it better, go for it. Make necessary changes. Keep in mind first impression matters a lot. 

  1. Update Content 
Updating content to increase blog valuation

Fig 4- Updating content to increase blog valuation

Let me tell you one thing if you are a blogger or even if you are a content writer, I
will give you a small assignment. Don’t feel bad that I always tell you to do this and that like a teacher, lol.

If you have any old piece of writing like at least a few months ago. Visit that again and look at what you have written. 

If you have sufficient time and interest, you can edit that too. I suggest you edit yourself and notice the changes between how you wrote and how it looks now after editing.

You can notice that your writing style and content explanation have become much better than the previous. It’s because we are learning consistently and updating ourselves more from one day to another. 

Especially in terms of SEO, we learn every day and start understanding more about it and the application

So if you want to increase your blog valuation, we recommend you modify your existing content. Even if it takes a lot of time of yours, the changes mean a lot and improve your site performance too. 

Here are some tips to update your content. 

  1. Change any previous date 
  2. Add internal links what you have missed before for lack of enough content 
  3. Improve images if necessary
  4. Add new information or new products review. 

My blog traffic has increased 20% after revamp my previous articles. I think it will work for you also as search engines like update contents. 

  1. Work on Technical Issues of Your Blog

Assume you took your deal to the final meeting and the client opens your blog and it responds very slowly. Done, you are dead. If you haven’t checked properly, it will work fine sometimes and will turn out bad sometimes. 

So make sure to fix all your blog issues before planning to sell. The site has to load faster and navigate into different sections faster. 

This can be a very big issue for you if your site is not loading faster or throwing error messages sometimes as people will get irritated by it. 

Test your site well before you are going to publish it on different sites for selling. And work on every small blog issue that you are encountering, especially basic ones to not to lose impression from the buyers.

Always keep a close look and audit the technical seo parts of your blog sites to run your blog smoothly. 

  1. Testing 

There are different testing things you must undergo before giving it a shot. As we talked previously about site performance and speed issues. You can take the help of different online platforms where they will check multiple things. 

You can get a detailed note of page performance in a complete report which includes all the details and graphs inside. With these sites, you can also understand how your site is behaving on different devices. 

Semrush is a great tool where you can get a complete analysis of your site. With a site audit, you can find broken pages in your site, complex issues inside the site, and many more. 

You can find a lot of tools within Semrush for boosting your content, it’s Topic Research Tool, for understanding and improving on keywords it’s a Keyword research tool, and many more. 

But Semrush is not for free. If you feel it is a little expensive, you can try similar sites but make sure you check every single condition and status of your site.

  1. Feedback 

You probably might ignore the feedback and reviews from others and might want to go straight for selling, but trust me this is also an important component. Blog valuation can be increased a lot by taking feedback.

When you are taking reviews from different people, you can understand what are the things that are required and what else you need to do to make it more aesthetic and valued.

Taking feedback to improve blog for blog valuation

Fig 5- Taking feedback to improve blog for blog valuation

Feedbacks help in designing better. But always remember to get the feedback from the right ones, that is who is more familiar and expert in the blogging field especially in your niche.


  1. When can you sell your blog?

It’s generally a part of the plan for some bloggers to take the blog to a certain level and to purchase at multiple times the profits of what they are investing in it.

But if you are not into that plan, you can sell it by cross-checking all the parameters mentioned. If you feel your blog is good enough, you can try posting it.

Make sure the valuation should be multiple times what you invested. Because of that you should be able to work with multiple projects later and can take them to a similar level.

  1. When should you not sell your blog?

This is a very important thing to know before thinking of selling a blog. You should not commit the mistake of selling your blog in some circumstances. Here is a list you can check when to avoid.

  1. Unless there is an emergency or complete loss of hope in improving your blog, never go for selling a non-monetized blog because monetized blog value is so far higher than a non-monetized one.
  2. When you are facing issues in the blog like site speed, loading speed, etc, make sure you fix them first. Don’t go selling at that time without fixing it.
  3. When the buyer is asking for extremely less, like less than 15 times your net worth, consider not selling.
  4. Even if you make necessary changes and edits, and fix everything accordingly, still if you feel like you can modify it to a much better version then start working more and upgrade your blog more than selling it.
  5. Never sell the blog in a hurry without analyzing everything. Even if you do it faster, take some time and recheck things about the blog and buyer too.


So well, this is all about blog valuation and how much can you sell your blog for. We came such a long way. We understood the main benefit of selling well and learned how much can you sell your blog for calculations.

We have seen all the major metrics that play an important role in blog valuation. Along with all these crucial aspects, we have given you how you can increase your blog valuation.

Hope we have given you a clear vision of valuation and now you are ready to calculate your blog valuation with maximum accuracy.

Al Jovayer Khandakar

Hey, I am Al Jovayer Khandakar. I am passionate about writing and my profession is also writing. I am a content writer and have gained a "Top Rated Plus " badge from Upwork. I have also a writing agency named "Agent Writing".

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