“What’s in a name?” Once William Shakespeare used this line to convey naming of things is regarded as irrelevant.
But you know what, you have to choose a meaningful name whatever the purpose is! Because one day your work will reflect over the name.
The same thing goes for when you are planning to start a blog. Then, how to choose a blogging name?
You need to brainstorm, research your niche, and consider the targeted audience, tone as well as future goals. Also, you can use your own name or a combination or try wordplay. The blog name should be concise and memorable to promote and grow your brand.
In this article, I am going to guide you to choose the right way to choose the best name for your new blog. Continue reading
How To Choose A Blogging Name: 5 Key Considerations

Having a suitable and perfect blog name is also a part of successful blogging. It will help to gain recognition as well as contribute to making it easy to remember. Here are the 5 effective ways to choose a suitable blogging name.
1. Brainstorming
Brainstorming a blogging name can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of thought and research, you can come up with a great name that reflects the tone and focus of your blog.
In order to make the name selection process easier, there are certain factors you should consider when brainstorming the perfect name.
Consider Your Niche
The first step in choosing a blogging name is to consider your niche. What specific topics will you be covering in your blog? Will it be a lifestyle blog, a travel blog, or a blog about fashion?
Once you have a clear idea of the topics you’ll be covering, you can start thinking of names that are related to your niche.
For example, if you’re blogging about travel, you could consider names such as “Tour Guide,” “The Traveler’s Guide,” or “Exploring Adventures.”
Choosing a relevant name with your niche will make your purpose clear.
Do Proper Research
Once you’ve come up with a few potential names, do some research to make sure your chosen name isn’t already taken.
You need to do a quick search on the search engines e.g. Google, or Bing as well as on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you find that your chosen name is already taken, don’t be discouraged.
Instead, use it as an opportunity to come up with something even more unique and creative.
Research Your Competitors
Take a look at your competition to get an idea of what kind of names they use. This should give you an idea of which names are most popular in your niche and which ones might work best for you.
Think About Your Target Audience
After that, when it comes to choosing a blogging name, it’s important to think about your target audience. What kind of people are you trying to reach with your blog? Are you trying to reach a young, hip audience? Or are you aiming for an older, more conservative audience?
Consider the tone of your blog and the demographic you’re trying to reach when coming up with potential names.
Consider The Tone
The name you choose should reflect the tone and style of your blog. If you plan on writing about serious topics, make sure the name reflects that.
If you plan on writing about lighthearted topics, make sure the name reflects that as well.
Consider Future Focus
It’s also important to consider the future focus of your blog when brainstorming a name. Will you be expanding your blog’s topics in the future?
If so, it might be best to choose a name that’s broad enough to encompass multiple topics, such as “The Voice of All” or “My Everyday Diary.”
If you plan on expanding your blog in the future, you want to make sure the name doesn’t limit you.
So, consider a name that can grow with you and won’t be outdated if you decide to go in a different direction.
2. Think Once more / Refining The Name
After spending a certain time brainstorming on blogging names and getting a rough few names, think about them once more.
You can take a short break and then sit for these names again. This will help to get a better name so far.
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3. Make It Memorable
After that, try to make the name memorable. When you use long and unknown or unusual names that don’t fit with your covered name, it is tough to memorize easily.
To help you out, we’ve outlined some of the best ways to create an unforgettable title that stands out from the crowd.
Using Alliteration
One of the best ways to create a memorable blog name is to use alliteration. Alliteration is when the same letter or sound is repeated at the beginning of multiple words. For example, ‘Splendid Storyteller ’, ‘Creative Concoction’, or ‘Bountiful Blogging ’.
Using Rhyming
Rhyming can also be a great way to create a catchy blog name. For example, ‘The Fashion Flaunt’ or ‘The Crafty Crafter’. Rhyming is an effective way to create a memorable blog name because it combines two words in a pleasing way.
Using Wordplay
Wordplay is another great tactic for creating a memorable blog name. Wordplay involves the use of puns, double entendres, and other clever word combinations.
For example, ‘The Foodie Finder’ or ‘The Music Maestro’. Wordplay is an excellent way to make a blog name stand out from the crowd.
Using alliteration, rhyming, and wordplay, you can create a title that is both memorable and unique. With a little creativity, you’ll have a successful blog name in no time.
4. Consider The Length
Choosing a blogging name can be a creative and fun process. It should reflect your personality and interests, but it can also be an important branding decision. Unfortunately, finding the right name can be a challenge, especially if you want to keep it short.
In that case, you can choose a one-word name like ‘Blogger’ or ‘Touristik’. Besides, adding a special letter at the end of the one-word name makes it more unique and concise too. For example, ‘Fiverr’ or ‘SpaceX’.
You can also use the acronym or abbreviation to make it simple and memorable e.g ‘National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)’, ‘Tour Logic (TL)’, ‘Go Blogger (GB)’, or ‘Food Fever (FF)’
In addition, you can use numbers based on your blog writers or your favorite number that indies something special like ‘Traveler5’ or ‘Tourist7’.
5. Avoid Double Meanings / Vulgar Words
Always avoid Double Meanings / vulgar words while choosing a blogging name. While some clever turns of phrases might be catchy, it’s important to consider how your name might be taken out of context.
Double meanings and vulgar words can create confusion and misunderstandings when you are attempting to reach a wide audience.
For example, a blog called “Nail Biting” might have a double meaning, as it could refer both to a hobby and a sign of nervousness. This could be misinterpreted as a blog about anxiety, which could deter potential readers who are looking for a blog about crafting.
Moreover, vulgar words can also be misinterpreted. If you use a phrase that has a sexual connotation, it can give off the wrong impression of your blog, and might even be offensive to some readers.
So, while choosing a blog name, it’s crucial to consider the potential implications of your choice.
Take the time to research any double meanings or vulgar words that you’re considering. You can then focus on creating content that is engaging, informative, and free of any potential misunderstandings.
By avoiding double meanings and vulgar words, you can ensure that your blog name is professional and appropriate for its intended audience.
Pro tips – Use a concise and meaningful motto or copy for your blogging site. Sometimes copies make people more attracted and help to grow your blogging.
Tips for Choosing a Blogging Name
After choosing the blogging name successfully, you should do the following tasks. Have a look-
Check Domain Availability
Once you’ve come up with a few great options, you’ll want to check the domain availability. This is the first step in establishing your blog as an online presence.
Make sure the domain name is available in the format you’d like, such as .com, .net, .org, or any other extension.
Research Social Media Platforms
Once you’ve settled on a name, take a look at the social media platforms you’d like to use. See if the name is available across all of them, or if you need to make adjustments so your presence is consistent across all platforms.
Vet the Name with Friends & Family
Finally, it’s always a good idea to run your potential names by friends and family. They’ll be able to tell you if the name is easy to pronounce and remember.
Plus, they may be able to give you some valuable feedback on which name is the best.
Benefits of Choosing a Blogging Name
The name of the blog site is the first thing people will see when they visit your blog, and it can shape their overall impression of your blog.
So, selecting a great blogging name is a critical step in setting up a successful blog, and here are some of the benefits of choosing the right blogging name.
1. Establish Credibility
A great blogging name can be a powerful tool to establish credibility, trust, and authority in your niche.
A memorable, unique, and relevant name can instantly grab the attention of your audience and convey that you are an expert in the field.
For example, if you blog about health and wellness, a name like “Healthline” will immediately communicate your expertise.
2. Increase Visibility
Your blogging name should be easy to remember so it will stick in the minds of your readers. This will help increase the visibility of your blog and make it easier for people to find and share your content.
However, a great name should also be SEO-friendly, which means it should contain some of the keywords related to your niche. For example, if you blog about fitness, a name like “Fitness Fanatic” will make it easier for people to find your blog when they search for fitness-related topics.
3. Boost Engagement
A great blogging name can also help boost engagement on your blog. A catchy name will encourage readers to stay on your blog longer, explore other content, and engage with your posts.
Plus, a unique name can also make your blog stand out from the crowd, which can help you to build a loyal and engaged audience.
4. Build Brand Loyalty
Choosing the right blogging name is also a great way to build brand loyalty and trust. A unique and meaningful name will help you to stand out from the competition, and people will remember your blog more easily.
This can help you to build a loyal following of readers who will come back to your blog again and again.
So far, choosing the right blogging name is an important decision and one that should not be taken lightly. Make sure to take the time to find a name that is memorable, relevant, and SEO friendly, and you will be well on your way to creating a successful blog.
Can I Use My Own Name As My Blog’s Name?
Yes, you can use your own name as your blog’s name. However, this can be a good option if you plan on writing about personal experiences or sharing your thoughts and opinions on a wide range of topics.
Should I Use A Keyword In My Blog’s Name?
It can be helpful to include a keyword in your blog’s name if it is relevant to your blog’s topic and will help people easily understand what your blog is about. However, it’s important not to sacrifice a catchy and memorable name for the sake of including a keyword.
Can I Change My Blog’s Name After I Start Blogging?
Yes, you can change your blog’s name even after you’ve started blogging. However, it’s important to carefully consider the potential impact of changing your blog’s name, such as the need to update your branding and potentially losing some of your existing audience.
Is It Important To Have A Unique Blog Name?
Yes, having a unique blog name can help your blog stand out from others in the same niche and make it easier for people to remember and find your blog. Plus it’s also important to make sure the name is still relevant and descriptive of your blog’s topic.
Final Words
Right naming can have a huge impact on the success of your blog, and there are many benefits to selecting a great blogging name.
You should consider factors such as relevance, uniqueness, and memorability when deciding on a name. Also, make sure the name is available as a domain name and consider using a keyword if it is relevant and will help people understand your blog’s topic.
With a bit of research, consideration for the audience, and a unique, memorable name, it’s possible to come up with the perfect fit.
Happy blogging!