Agent Writing

How to Find Expired Domains – The Complete Guide With Benefits & Tips to Buy

The benefits of getting backlinks, driving traffic from a domain, and avoiding the time and money required to build a high authority domain make people search for how to find expired domains. 

If you are among them, you are in the right place. In this complete guide, you can find the benefits of using an expired domain, the reasons, and the top places to find an expired domain. Let’s make a quick start.

What is the Meaning of an Expired Domain?

When you are purchasing a domain for a business or blog, it can be purchased for a year or more. After purchasing and during the end of the period, you will receive lots of emails to renew it.

You will go for the renewal if you are working or maintaining the domain. But many times, people won’t bother about the emails and will ignore them. 

Once the final deadline has been reached, it will remember the owner; if they still ignore it, the services will be stopped. This means the information or the content will not be available to access anymore.

When the domain renewal is not done even after the tenure, then will be expired. The domains registered initially but can’t be accessible now due to failure of renewing are called expired domains.

The expired domains will then be open to everyone. Anyone can purchase their blog or site with that domain. 

Talking about blogs, here is a wonderful guide on making money from blogging: How to make money blogging. This will inspire you and help you in starting your blogging journey.

Reasons For Domain to Expire

There are several reasons behind closing or becoming a domain expired. The popular reasons are listed below.

  1. Business Closure

When the business has completely closed, the website with that business name is no longer extended and valuable to the owner and visitors. So the domain owners will neglect or altogether avoid renewing the domain.

  1. Running Out of Budget.

The new bloggers purchase a domain with the expectation of getting a better investment within a few months. But knowing how to improve the blog and less efficient or poor SEO is necessary for the blogs to be successful, and the tenure of the domain will be completed.

Hence the blog owners will need more time to renew the domain.

  1. Losing Interest

The initial enthusiasm for running a site differs from running after a month, and it’s entirely different from running after a few months. The post frequency will be less for many bloggers and site owners. 

In many cases, they lose interest in the site or are busy with something other than maintaining it; the domain will expire.

What are the Benefits of Using an Expired Domain?

There are several benefits linked with using an expired domain. If you can find a domain with the most similar niche and work to yours, then you can consider yourself lucky. Here are the top 5 benefits of using an expired domain

Ranking Faster

Though Google has yet to officially declare if you are a new blogger or have started a new site, you can’t find yourself on the top pages even if you can produce more awesome content than the top pages.

Because Google will keep you on hold for a few months, it will keep you in a sandbox. You can be on the list for three months, six months, or even more. It depends on your work. 

So to avoid that, to wait for Google to review, index and rank, you can buy an expired domain. Google will have indexed any good expired domain. When you purchase it, you can rank better and faster.

benefit of ranking fast with the expired domain

Making use of the backlinks 

A well-established site has previous backlinks. If not by the other bloggers or site owners, they can be found on social media when you use an expired domain. 

When there are a significant amount of backlinks, it not only helps the site to drive more traffic but also helps in ranking better and faster. 

Developing authority faster

Launching a new website or blog will take a long time to develop a high-authority site. It will also consume some money to build SEO and to bring to a high-level domain authority site. 

But if you purchase a new domain, you don’t need to wait or spend any money; you can use the authority developed by the expired domain. 

301 redirect usage

The simple summary about 301 redirect is when a page is deleted from the site, you can provide a new URL to drive the visitors to a new page. Similarly, when a domain is expired, you can link your new website domain to redirect.

With this, you can drive lots of traffic from the existing domain. 

Saving Time

On average, any blog takes a minimum of 3 to 6 months to be observed by Google. Sometimes it takes beyond that. A lot of costs would also be required to pay for the backlinks and other charges.

If you can purchase an expired domain, you can save money and avoid the time process. Also, not all expired domains are expensive; you can get many at the regular price.

benefit of saving time with the expired domain

Qualities of a Good Expired Domain

You need to check with the following qualities to know whether the domain is good for you.


Definitely, the older the domain, the better it’s. Because if it’s a more senior site, it will be indexed by Google and have multiple backlinks by other domains. 

But make sure the domain will have good content previously. Remember that the domain expiration could also be because the content needs to be more popular, and the blog is unsuccessful.

If you pick up that, you might get back success. Hence pick an older one but make sure it is good enough.


When there are massive backlinks by different domain authorities, the content is good enough. If you find an older site with almost zero backlinks by others, you can assume that either there needed to be more content or the content needed to be better.

So a good domain always has a good number of backlinks attached to it. You should check both quality and quantity of backlinks. Check the industry and language of referring domains.

Good name

For example, if there is a domain with many backlinks and good authority, the domain name consists of too many numbers or hyphens or is irrelevant to your niche. It’s recommendable not to purchase that.

Because you can’t be sure if you will attain success or not with that, people always read content from a good, connective, attractive name. The name you keep will become your brand name of yours later.

So make sure the domain is short and good enough, related to the content you would like to produce.

Spam check

It’s expected that many spam sites have lots of traffic, but they are not true. If you purchase an expired domain from a spam site, it could be a massive problem.

So check the spam score from online tools like Semrush, websiteseochecker, etc. A good domain will not offer any spam links or fraud elements.

I use Moz’s tool : Moz’s link Explorer


It is called a majestic million global rank. The smaller the number, the better it is. You can’t find the rank for most of the sites you find in the expired domains list. It shows as zero to many. 

But for a good expired domain has a rank at least even though it’s a bigger number. If you ever find an expired domain with a good rank, research as early as possible and register before someone grabs that. 

These are the five qualities of a good-quality domain. Along with them, you also need to check when the domain has expired. Make sure the domain you want to purchase should not old. Because if it’s a good one, someone will definitely grab it early.

How to Find Expired Domains?

Many platforms are available to find expired domains. Most of the available offer information only for premium services.

Expired for finding  the expired domain

This is a free resource and the most popular one to find expired domains. In the search for domain name box, you just need to type the niche you are looking for and want to work with, and you can find thousands of expired domain options. 

You can find many niches like travel blogs, lifestyle blogs, and many more. You just need to type any word, like travel or lifestyle, etc., to get the related expired domains on that niche.

To make you more convenient, you can find lots of options and filters to apply. You can find the backlinks from different domains, ranking, date when the domain has expired precisely, etc.

As stocking domains and selling them at a premium price has become a popular business, it is hard to find a good domain from this site. Many expired domain sellers purchase and stock them for business. So, you need to buy from a premium site. Yet, there are some good domains here, and you can find them through analysis.


SpamZilla for finding the expired domain

You can discover many expired domains related to your niche. SpamZilla is also one of the famous sites used for finding expired domains. You need to sign up and enter the keyword. 

Here also, you can apply the filters, and you can find many options and information on google index, internal and external links, the date when it’s expired and the price, where it’s available to purchase, etc.

You can notice the Semrush rank, traffic, and keywords. You can find a few listings. This site is not free. You need to go for the premium plan to look into more and apply more features.

The premium starts at around 30 to 50 USD. So, if you need more expired domains, you can use this awsome tool. But if you need a single expired domain, you can hire a person who deliver this type of service. You can find great service provider from Fiverr. You can easily find someone who will find some great expired domain with excellent backlinks. The sellers may charge $5 to $20 to find a good expired domain.

Just give your criteria before hiring a seller.

Domain Hunter Gatherer

Domainhuntergatherer for finding  the expired domain

It is one of the good platforms for finding an expired domain. The best feature of domain hunter-gatherer is you can use the free source, and if you want, you can also go for the premium services monthly.

Domain hunter gatherer price plan

You can find the same filters as the other platforms. You can choose according to your requirement. A seven-day money-back guarantee also will be there in the services list. 

These are the three main platforms on how to find expired domains. is sufficient to the maximum extent if you can research whether the domain is good or not. Otherwise, you can commit to the other platforms.


How long is a domain held after expiration?

If you notice the life cycle of an expired domain, the general purchase of a domain is for one year. Its expiry date comes immediately date after a year of purchase. You can renew in your purchase period.

If you haven’t renewed it in your time, your domain will be expired. But you still have the authority and a chance to renew it for 30 days. Even if someone has already placed an offer on your domain, you can still show your authority and grab your domain back. 

But once the 30 days are finished, you will no longer have any authority over it. You can’t renew it if someone has purchased it already after 30 days. 

How much time should I analyze after finding an expired domain?

Well, the perfect answer could be as early as possible, but the analysis should be careful and deep too. Because you do a small experiment of looking at any good expired domain in free platforms, notice how long the status will show it as available.

You can’t find any good expired domain available for more than 3 days. So the suggestion from our side is to keep an eye on the platforms. Whenever a new good domain expires, perform the analysis well.

Don’t hurry, and don’t purchase in a hurry with the thought that someone will grab it. Also, don’t spend so much time. Take the help of someone and perform the best analysis and checks.


These are the top links and platforms where you can find an expired domain. We tried giving you the benefits of buying an expired domain and what to check in an expired domain etc. 

The rest is your own research and decision.

Hope you learned and understood everything. This is all about how to find an expired domain. Though an expired domain can come at a higher than usual, it’s worth buying it for future results. 

Al Jovayer Khandakar

Hey, I am Al Jovayer Khandakar. I am passionate about writing and my profession is also writing. I am a content writer and have gained a "Top Rated Plus " badge from Upwork. I have also a writing agency named "Agent Writing".

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