Agent Writing

What is Technical Writing – The Beginners Guide

Are you a working professional in any field? Do you want to contribute your knowledge in writing or do you want to learn something and want to emerge as a technical writer? If you want to know every detail about technical writing, this article can help you out.

 Technical writing is not just about developing content based on the knowledge you have, it’s beyond that. To know much more, what to wait for? Let’s get started.

What is Technical Writing?

Primarily let’s try to understand what exactly is technical writing and what a technical writer does and the aspects of it.

Technical writing is writing and developing the content or even drafting and rewriting the content in technical fields such as hardware and software, aeronautics, engineering, finance, medical, forestry, etc.

Technical writing is basically writing your expertise and researched knowledge definitely, but the style should be specific. The common audience and people who are searching for it should be able to understand what you are trying to convey.

Even if the writer is new to any subject, technical writers grasp the concepts quickly and convey them in a format. Technical writing includes a good flow and format to avoid confusion. Technical writing is always in concrete form, not related to abstract form.

Technical writing includes removing complex things, more examples, unwanted things, etc, and writing main points directly. Technical writing follows a formal style and doesn’t include creativity, narrative, etc mostly.

There are many characteristics of technical writing and many rules to follow to give the readers a better understanding.

1. 100 percent Accuracy

Correct information should be there in technical writing. It should not violate any information and should not provide wrong details to the readers. If there are large numbers of data in the document, one should not commit any errors even on a minute scale.

2. Objective oriented

There is a purpose behind any technical writing, so the article should meet the requirements and should serve the purpose well. It should be from the perspective of the audience and should satisfy them with clear information about a subject.

3. Using active voice

Technical writing should be simple and formal. It should be written in an active voice as much as possible. As the objective is to solve a problem and to give information that is not creative, the tone should be normal and formal.

4. Simple and brief

The beauty of technical writing should be there in its simplicity. It should express even complex concepts and problems simply and can be understandable by most people. It should confuse or bore the audience with its terminology or explanation.

Technical writing includes simple, realistic, shortcut details with no missing information anywhere. If there are more than two examples, in technical writing one should write only the best two examples. 

5. Systematic

Technical writing should always be well-organized and formatted. Technical writing should work in a format to reach the audience. For example, if you are writing an article on a particular topic.

You should keep the background details in the beginning and purpose of writing and what you want to convey in that, followed by a definition, characteristics, examples, advantages, and disadvantages, and finally your words.

You should not keep examples first or background last because that disturbs the flow and the audience loses interest in reading. So structure is mandatory in technical writing.

What are the purposes of Technical Writing?

Many purposes serve technical writing. The following points are listed below for technical writing.

  1. The main purpose of technical writing is to let the readers clearly understand a concept.
  1. Technical writing’s purpose is to help the audience to give a solution for a particular problem in a simple easy format. You can mention the terminology but should not confuse the audience.

For example, if a person has recently purchased a printer and doesn’t know any details about it or if the person is struck with any particular problem, then a blog on printers can easily help the person instead of referring to a manual.

Talking about printers, if you are looking to purchase a printer, or run a printer and want to improvise its performance or solve some basic problems, here is a wonderful site for you to understand everything related to printers: All about printers
  1. Another purpose is to help in decision-making.

 Assume you are a graduate and want to go for a master’s. You will find many options and chances which might confuse you. The solution to this instance is you can refer to a technical document that includes all details, pros, and cons, and everything related to it can help you in decision-making.

2. A prominent purpose is providing information. It straightforwardly gives information and enables complete understanding for the reader. It helps the readers to develop knowledge on a particular subject.

3. Its purpose is also to analyze the situation and events in a procedural sequence. Probably if you are picking stocks and want to know how they performed, a blog on them will give details and the author’s view with research on how it performed and how it can perform.

Examples of Technical Writing

Technical Writing is everywhere almost. You can find lots of examples of technical writing around you. The popular ones are listed below.

Examples of Technical Writing

Report making

A report making is clear, straight-researched documentation on a subject. A technical writer understands the situation, researches well enough into the background, characteristics, and usefulness, and formats them into a proper document. 

For example a fundamental report on a company. It includes all the details, analysis, data, etc in a simplified understandable format.

2. Product Description

This is also known and referred to as an instruction manual. It simply tells all the information about a particular product. Not just a representation of the outline of the product but the complete view, pros and cons, and everything about it.

 It includes the materials that the product is made up of, the product specifications, design, care instructions, manuals and guidelines for use, etc. If there is any problem related, manuals can help. 

It also gives step by instructions to set up the product after buying it and how to start working with it.

An example of it is a product review. You will mention features, specifications, comparisons with other brands, etc. 

If you want to know how to write a product review, here is our guide on it from our experts, take a tour of it: How to write the best project review

3. Email writing

Most of the emails’ intent and writing style is almost formal. In writing an email to a client or for a business proposal etc, technical writing is generally followed.

Because technical writing gives objective points straightly and conveys the message persuading. 

4. Analytical documents

This is related to the case studies and their analysis. It includes a long explanation of a project or a case study in detail. For example, if you look at a project document, It includes details about project members, budget, the flow of the project, etc.

It tries to provide confidence and clarity about the project to whoever reads it. Even the case studies also provide sequential information along with analysis.

5. Standard operating procedures( SOP)

The SOP tells the way to do a thing that is common to everyone. For example, if you are registering for any event or any exam, there will be a guide to support you and tell you steps on how to do it which is also called SOP.

This is standard because it’s common to everyone. In organizations, the SOP can be the procedure of the work. SOP is written to maintain efficiency and finish the work in time even if anyone is absent.

If you want to know more about SOP, You can refer to this article: How to write standard writing operative procedures.

Some examples of a Technical Writing Job Description

  1. Developing easy, simple, straight technical writing and documentation on any subject.
  2. An experienced technical writer who can develop high-quality technical content with a clear understanding.
  3. Expert-level content strategies with clear understanding, developing user-friendly technical writing. 
  4. High-level research and user-defined requirements of technical writing with more audience reach.
  5. Technical writing with experienced documentation in several fields and deep-level, accurate analysis documentation will be provided.

These are some basic reference templates that you can use in job descriptions. You need to add whatever work experience you do have, whatever certifications you do have so that you can mention a certified course in technical writing etc.

You can also mention your accomplishments or rank to attract recruiters. For more examples and brief job descriptions, it is advisable for you to refer to sites like Linkedin.

Job description for Technical Writing

What is the average salary for technical writing?

The salary of a technical writer depends on the organizational level at which they work, the experience they do hold in technical writing, and the project length. But in general, it can start from 200$ and can increase depending on the experience.

Career opportunities in Technical writing

There is a wide range of opportunities in technical writing online these days. The popular ones are listed below.

Fig 4 –  Career Opportunities of Technical writer

  1. Manual writer
  2. Social Media writer
  3. Freelance writer
  4. Specialist
  5. Course writer
  6. Blog writer
  7. Content writer

Final words

This is all about technical writing. We have provided all the basic information that you need to know about technical writing.

We have also listed major career opportunities and possible works you can take up in technical writing. Hope we have developed more vision on technical writing and you can follow us to learn more about technical writing.

Al Jovayer Khandakar

Hey, I am Al Jovayer Khandakar. I am passionate about writing and my profession is also writing. I am a content writer and have gained a "Top Rated Plus " badge from Upwork. I have also a writing agency named "Agent Writing".

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